Due to the NSW Government announcement and 'stay at home' orders, our office will be closing for face-to-face notary public services until further notice (until restrictions have been lifted).
This means we are unable to assist you if you need to have your signature witnessed or your identity verified (as this requires you to be physically present in our office).
If you have documents that must be certified (ie, copies of passports), we can still assist provided you are able to arrange to have your original passport delivered to our office for certification. Our office will not be receiving documents personally from any individual and so original documents must be slipped under our office door or delivered to us by courier (preferably not by post).
If you have electronic documents that must be attested (ie, VEVO, employment documents, education documents), you can arrange for these documents to be sent to us directly by the issuing organisation for attestation.
All documents (ie, notarised documents and originals documents, if any) will only be returned to you by same-day courier unless you wish to wait until the restrictions have been lifted in order to collect them from our office.
Please be aware that we are not considered an essential service and therefore if you insist on visiting our office, you risk a fine for breaching existing orders and we will not receive you at our office.