If you have found this article because you are looking for ways to convert your Indian Drivers Licence to a NSW Drivers Licence, please visit the VFS website for their most up to date checklist for the Indian Drivers Licence Verification (IDLV).
The checklist provides you with clear instructions as to what you need to submit to VFS. Only VFS can verify your driving history in India for you to qualify for the equivalent drivers licence in NSW.
The checklist also provides you with guidance if your name on your Indian Passport and your Indian Drivers Licence are different. Variations such as missing names or replacing specific names with initials, suffixes like 'ben' and 'bhai', or 'son of/wife of/daughter of' and others maybe common place and widely accepted in India, but in Australia naming conventions are applied strictly meaning that if different names appear on different documents then those documents relate to different people. In Australia, as an Indian national your primary form of identification would be your Indian passport and so the name that would also appear on your drivers licence would be the same that appears on your passport. If that name is different to the name that appears on your Indian Drivers Licence, then the IDLV process around obtaining a notary certificate and an apostille is relevant to you.
As a leading provider of notary public services in Sydney, we receive many requests for assistance in providing the IDLV, however our role is largely limited to providing a notary certificate to verify that you are the one and the same person and to certify copies of your Indian Drivers Licence and your Indian Passport and helping you to arrange for the apostille.
If you are not familiar with the VFS checklist, then you will not be aware of or understand this requirement or the need for our notary public services. Accordingly, familiarise yourself with the checklist and the IDLV process before contacting our office - at least this way, when we discuss the process with you, you will have a better understanding of what is required and why it is required.
To obtain a quote on our notary public services for India, please visit https://www.notary-parramatta.com.au/notary-fees/.
This blog is supported and maintained by Phang Legal. Phang Legal is a leading provider of notary public services in Sydney. With offices conveniently located in Parramatta, Phang Legal supports and services the Indian community across Sydney with readily available and easily accessible notary public services at highly competitive rates.
For more information regarding notary public services for documents going to India, view our notary publications at https://www.notary-parramatta.com.au/jurisdiction/india-notary/.
Frequently asked questions regarding our notary public services can also be found at https://www.notary-parramatta.com.au/faqs/.
For Hindi to English translation services by NAATI accredited translators, see https://hindi-naati-translation.blogspot.com.au/.
Notary Public
Ern Phang is the solicitor director of Phang Legal and a notary public. Ern regularly writes about his experiences as a notary public, including the kinds of problems and solutions that his clients face when sending documents to India.
IMPORTANT: the information in this article is correct at the time of publication, however the law constantly changes. This means you should always refer to the most recent articles because we try to update this blog on a regular basis with the most current information.